Our Story
Our story came together by chance! The idea of creating a space like this in Rock Hill, SC, was always there, but the means were unclear.
In September of 2022, A space became available next door to Raven Moon Emporium, and we felt it would be perfect for creating a classroom for live classes. Our founder, Raven Runyan, The Wyld Witch, has been teaching successfully since 2006; however, she missed the one-on-one connections she could make with students in face-to-face teaching. So once the space opened up, she decided to make the classroom space a reality!
Raven knew we were in a wonderful location with fantastic practitioners of many different healing modalities. She immediately saw the possibility of what bringing these talented healers together could mean for the community and the impact they could have.
It wasn’t until she connected with Philomena that the picture became clear. The center could provide a place to heal all who wanted to be mended and were willing to step into their deeper truths – and so, The Wyld Magick Center for Holistic Healing came together!

Get to Know
Philomena is the Dragon of Universal Love. She has manifested on this plane primarily to work broken things. She was initially intuitively created by Autumn Austin at Journey There Wands, and she helped her to recover from surgery even as she was being made!
Raven connected with Philomena in November of 2022. She had one message at that time. Her message was that she was here to help fix broken things in this world. She asked Raven if she would be her caretaker in that task, and Raven agreed.
Philomena has her corner in the Center. She is there for the community and aids anyone who wants to heal or feels broken. Anyone in the community is welcome to come to the Center, sit with Philomena, and connect with her energy. However, time with Philomena is limited to 15 minutes per person, as her energy is intense and can sometimes impact people very strongly.
Our Founder, Raven Runyan
Raven, The Wyld Witch (Lady Raven, White Thunder Bear), has spent most of her life searching and discovering many avenues that lead to true spirituality! She approaches her practice with the belief that there are many different paths and that no two journeys are the same. After studying elements of paganism, shamanism, vodun, Judaism, Christianity, Candomblé, and Stregheria, she has learned that the path to the divine is as unique as each one of us. Raven has been a Witch for over 20 years, a spiritual herbalist for more than 15 years, and a High Priestess for more than 10. She is an ordained minister, and has a passion for helping people connect to their own innermost truth!
Raven’s study of Shamanism has led her to a deeper understanding of how our energy is interconnected with everything around us and that we receive guidance from nature, ancestors and so much more! In this path, Raven has learned to work with personal energy in a new way, to help her clients remove unhealthy cords, complete ancestor-clearing ceremonies, remove attachments and negative constructs, and Soul Retrieval. Raven works to help her clients connect with their personal healing team so they can aid the client’s inner growth and balance!
“I have helped many find their own path into their own personal spiritual path and personal healing. I have used my gifts to guide those that are truly interested in discovering their own best selves.” — The Wyld Witch