Exploring Sangoma Traditions 05/06/23

What are Sangomas?

Sangomas, the traditional Healers of South Africa, have many different social and political roles in the community: divination, healing, directing rituals, finding lost cattle, protecting warriors, counteracting witches, and narrating their tradition’s history, cosmology, and myths.

Sangomas are called to heal; through them, it is believed that ancestors from the spirit world can give instruction and advice to heal illness, social disharmony, and spiritual difficulties.



Gogo Nomabhunu will share how one becomes a Sangoma and what the calling means. She will share the secrets that are carried within this tradition as well as the healing methodologies.

The teaching will be linked to ukuphahla (praying with the Ancestors) and its different forms, including how a Sangoma stays connected to the ancestors.

What to Bring:

  • Small Altar cloth (bandana size)
  • Small bowl/shell to burn African sage
  • One white and one yellow taper candle with a candle holder
  • An enamel cup
  • A Silver coin

Because we will be in ceremony, please wear a skirt or a sarong wrap.

The cost of the workshop is $120, payable at registration.

Please click below to register: